External Copyrights & IP

External Copyrights and Intellectual Property Statement for WoodComputer.com

At WoodComputer.com, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality products and services to our customers, and in doing so, we may deploy, service, or refer to software and hardware products from a variety of external companies. This includes, but is not limited to, products from Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, IBM, Western Digital, SanDisk, and many others.

While we provide services related to these products, we acknowledge and respect the intellectual property rights of these companies. Any mention of third-party trademarks, copyrights, brands, products, or services does not constitute endorsement or affiliation with these entities.

1. Intellectual Property Rights

The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the products, software, and services of these companies (including all text, graphics, logos, software, source code, and other materials) are owned by or licensed to these respective entities. All rights are reserved.

2. Usage of Intellectual Property

Our use of such intellectual property does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by these entities. Any references made to these third-party products, software, or services on our website or in our materials are made for the purpose of providing our customers with necessary information, and we do not claim any rights to such intellectual property.

3. Respect for Rights

We recognize and respect the rights of these third-party companies, and any unauthorized use of this intellectual property by anyone else, including our customers, is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the respective owners.

4. Questions and Contact

If you have any questions about this statement or if you notice any discrepancies, please contact us at: copyright@woodcomputer.com

It is important to us at WoodComputer.com that we respect the intellectual property rights of others while offering our services. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Revision Date: June 9, 2023